How Words Can Inspire Change

Article Summary

The words we use hold power and say a lot about us as an individual. In today’s article we will discuss the words we use and how they can inspire change.

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The Charisma Myth

When I was asked to write an article about h ow words can inspire change my mind immediately jumped to the book The Charisma Myth by Oliva Fox Cobane.

This book contains powerful tools to help someone not only appear to be a great leader but also use the right words that contain a lot of power. It can also help with the difficulties of today - even in social media.


Inspirational Leader

Think of an inspirational leader. What exactly comes to mind?

For me, I think the 3 words characterizing charisma in the book are power, presence, and warmth. One would think it would simply be common sense to go about creating positive change. But this is not the case, it takes the direction to become a powerful example of the right direction.

An easy answer would be to simply study true leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and the power of his words and the power struggles he and his fellow black Americans confronted in their lives.

But let's take that a step further and face the actionable steps presented to us in this book. The Charisma Myth.

Speaking and Listening with Charisma

What will I say next?

If what you’re thinking about is what you want to say next, your lack of presence will be written all over your face. 🙄😴🙃😯 We as human beings can immediately pick up on this. The best way to speak and listen is to be fully present.

Don’t interrupt

Master listeners never interrupt, let themselves be interrupted, and pause two seconds before they answer. Your face absorbs, then reacts, and then you answer. You come off as a powerful force when you listen more than talk. And remember - do not interrupt.

Use all 5 senses

We associate feelings with sights, sounds, tastes, smells, places, and, of course, people. Others will associate with you the way you make them feel. Your use of words can be very helpful here. Paint a pretty picture, remember the details and you will find power in your words.


Downplaying a compliment sends a message to your admirer that they were wrong to compliment you. When someone compliments you, do you quickly say thank you and move on? Try to stop, absorb the compliment, let that show on your face, and thank them instead. Note: you will have a greater impact when you accept a compliment in a genuine fashion than any single word could make.

Evoke positive emotions

Acting interested and even impressed with someone will make them feel great about themselves, and then, in turn, associate all those feelings with you. Evoking positive emotions will take you a long way in a small amount of time!!

When you speak in words, your brain translates them into concepts, then concepts into images. Speak in images directly, and make them sensory-rich. Again one of the greatest things you can do is paint a picture full of details that evoke emotions. Our brains translate words into concepts.

Avoid using these words

Avoid using "no problem" or "don't worry," because people will remember "problem" or "worry." Rephrases, like "we'll take care of it." are always a better response. Have you ever noticed how Chikfila employees say "My pleasure?" This choice of words is so much more powerful than when you say "no problem"

Provide REAL value

Attention is a precious resource. When people read your writing (thank you BTW🧡) or listen to you, deliver high value through entertainment, information, or good feelings.

When trying to create real change deliver high value through entertainment. Notice what a dramatic effect it takes when you mention different things that evoke a positive emotion. There is the true power of their words.

Communicate Power, Presence, and Warmth

Audience ratings for a lecture are more strongly influenced by delivery style than by content. Your voice is key to communicating warmth and power.

To project power, speak slowly with frequent pauses, use a baritone voice, drop intonation, and breathe through your nose.

To project warmth, smile. Even thinking about smiling is enough to give your voice warmth. Smile it improves your face value! 😁🙂

Some of these techniques are rhetorical techniques but when used they can become a powerful weapon even during difficult times.

How you say the words

The power of words can be noticed not only in the way you use these words but in how you say them.

It is so easy to evoke negative emotions with the power of your words. Notice in the example when someone says negative words like, "No problem." As opposed to "My pleasure" We focus on the problem which in turn evokes negative emotions.


What happens when you say “RIGHT?”

I listen to podcasts on a regular basis. I have noticed that many podcasters tend to say "Right?" at the end of every sentence. This is irritating. Especially when you know what it means when someone says “Right?” all the time!

And here is what happens when we say "Right?"

When people end a sentence with the word ‘right,’ they are, in fact, not asking a question at all, nor are they actively seeking acceptance without protest or agreement from the listener. 

When they say ‘right?’ they are implying to the listener that what they are saying is not only obviously correct but that the listener already understands and is already in agreement with them.

This has become such a distracting word that once a podcaster says it too many times I immediately shut down and turn off. Never to return again. One that immediately comes to mind and I haven’t listened to her in years is Manifestation Babe. 🤢

If you want to become an inspiring leader you must know that your words have power.

When you use the word "right?" all the time, it just presents a rough time and my own perspective has been thrown out the window. It's like my entire system of beliefs has been demolished and mean nothing. Right?😂  Pun-intended!


In closing, let's study new words. Let's get out of that comfort zone. Let's use our words with power, presence, and warmth. Let's do the right thing and become good leaders and good teachers. Let's remember this new research and have a little pep talk with ourselves before we communicate with others! Because there is power in our words. Our words can inspire change in god's children and create personal growth for ourselves and others.

How do you find power in your words?

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