Kathie's Story
Kathie's Story
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Where it all began.
My journey and commitment to older adult fitness took place a long time ago.
And as you might suspect it started with a love for my grandparents.
But my love and commitment to older adult fitness are different than you might think.

My love for fitness...
I fell in love with fitness shortly after my divorce. Let's just say fitness and psychology (mindset) saved my life.
Little did I know in my divorce in 2000 would lead to a decades-long custody battle with my ex.
I found a love for fitness because of the way it changed my life and mindset and not just my life but others I work with as well.
2000 Certified Fitness Instructor
2002 Certified Fitness Trainer
2002 Certified Life Coach
2004 Certified Specialist in Senior Fitness
2004 Certified Specialist in Strength and Conditioning (formerly called Sports and Conditioning)
Continuing education every 2 years!
2000-2021 TW Davis YMCA Fitness Staff - they closed permanently blog post on that HERE
2008-2013 Owner, Body Designer Richmond-Rosenberg, Texas
2013-2024 Fitness and Wellness Director at OCuSOFT
2017-Present CEO Kathie’s Coaching and Consulting LLC
2023 - Corporate Wellness Consultant with Kathie founder of Top Workplace Wellness

As for mindset...
It is ALL about getting out of the victim mentality. You have very little power there! But so many lie in victim mentality - calling positivity toxic, complaining about their lives, blaming others, and living in fear, doubt, and indecision.
I am here to tell you: THERE IS A BETTER WAY!! It has to do with leaving that victim mentality behind you and stop mind screwing yourself out of your power.
Your power lies in your MIND! Viktor Frankl says in his book Man's Search for Meaning
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."
The very basis of Stop the Mind Screw lies in the book Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi he says:
"Control your inner experience (your mind) and you will be able to determine the quality of your life, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy."