The 3 Principles of Reality Transurfing I Discuss

The 3 principles of Reality Transurfing

Is Reality Transurfingยฎ๏ธ Real?

I used to end all of my videos with this statement:

Keep outer intention high, importance low, and find advantage in everything.

What exactly does this mean?

These are the 3 principles from Reality Transurfing that I do teach in Stop the Mind Screw.

Reality Transurfing is a book by Russian author and quantum physicist Vadim Zeland.

Outer Intention

We begin this discussion by talking about Outer Intention. What is it?

It has many meanings but I like to think of it as the intention of our Higher Self, the Universe, God, Infinite Intelligence, or whatever you like to call it.

Steve Jobs said it best:

Follow your heart and intuition for it somehow already knows the way.

In her book Embraced by the Light, Betty Eadie discusses her after-life experience in which she saw Outer Intention taking place. My take on this is: that Betty says we meet with our maker and all the experiences we would have in our lives. We would choose our illnesses, family members, mistakes, and even our cause of death before we come here.

These โ€œchoicesโ€ would be made and we would come here to learn our lessons accordingly.

Whether you believe this takes place or not you must know that the book calibrates at a high level on the scales of consciousness in the book Power vs Force.

This one thing alone gives me peace of knowing for so many reasons that words cannot explain. I invite you to read Embraced by the Light to determine for yourself.

This meeting with our maker is Outer Intention in a nutshell.

Reduce importance

Importance is definitely not easy to drop as we are human and our attachments tend to be very high. But keeping importance low helps to keep things in balance.

I learned so much about dropping importance and attachments back when I read A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle in 2007. Stories like the Zen Master Is That So, the stories we tell ourselves, and even letting go of attachments to how things are โ€œsupposed to beโ€ help when reducing importance.

I talk about importance often. Here is a great video, podcast, and article I did on importance and how to reduce it with ease!

Find advantage in everything

There is a seed of advantage in everything that happens in your life. Sometimes this is hard to see but it is there.

And it is also your choice to see it or not. If you choose to not see advantage that is what will happen in your life.

Toxic positivity is an oxymoron and positivity is only toxic if you force it. Often times one needs to go through the stages of grief before one can view positivity as not toxic or forced.

The stages of grief are:

  1. Denial

  2. Anger

  3. Bargaining

  4. Depression

  5. Acceptance

Only when one is in acceptance can they see positivity as positive and not forced or toxic.

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