The Rustle of the Morning Stars


Article Summary

What exactly is the Rustle of the Morning Stars? Vadim Zeland talks about the Rustle of the morning stars often in the book Reality Transurfing© I-V. And in Episode 26 of Stop the Mind Screw we discuss this very alluring topic.

Why do ideas come when we are distracted, heart and mind coordination, the rustle is quiet, our intuition is very quiet, and why do we become preoccupied with problem-solving?

In this article, you can listen to episode 26 and read about the topics discussed.

Thank you for spending part of your day with me. If you know someone who can benefit from this post feel free to share it with them using the buttons to the side.

-Kathie Owen

You can listen to Episode 26 here:


Joseph Rodrigues is my coach and mentor. Joseph has hundreds of episodes on YouTube and I listen to his podcast regularly. He has recently been discussing Intuition and The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Heart and Mind Coordination

It is interesting to note that Vadim says in the book here ever since the mind began thinking in terms of abstract categories, the connection between the heart and mind gradually atrophied. The heart does not work in terms of categories.

How then can the heart communicate with the mind?

The mind has a logical explanation for everything and is constantly trying to control information. And intuitive feelings and knowledge can break through to consciousness. The signals of the heart are conveyed as an ambiguous premonition, which we call the inner voice.

Why do ideas come when we are distracted?

Moments when the mind is distracted, it allows you to experience the feelings and knowledge of the heart.

This is the rustle of the morning stars.

It is a quiet rustle

The voice without words. Reflection without thought. Sound without volume. When you hear this music, you know, that you have understood something. This is Intuition.

If you stop the train of thoughts and simply contemplate the emptiness, you will hear the rustle of the morning stars. The mind is hooked by pendulums. We talk about pendulums all the time. Want a guide on dealing with those pesky pendulums?

The art of intuition

Watch Joseph’s video on intuition now!

This is what we talk about when listening to the rustle of the morning stars. And finding the answers in the quiet!

Preoccupied with solving problems

Before making a final decision, your mind is usually trapped by pendulums.

Pendulums are pesky things. But not all pendulums are destructive. Identify your own personal constructive and destructive pendulums with our free download now!

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