Reality Transurfing is Losing It
Article Summary
This post was written in June 2021.
Vadim Zeland posted in the International Transurfing Institute Group on Facebook (or was it him) that Rene was now blacklisted.
When I commented on this I was not surprised I was kicked out of the group. I later learned that Rene still runs this group. Something very suspicious is going on here! So I titled this post “Reality Transurfing is Losing It”
Thank you for spending part of your day with us. If you know someone who can benefit from this post please feel free to share it with them.
Reality Transurfing is a book by Russian author and quantum physicist Vadim Zeland. It is one of the best books I have ever read on reality creation. And I do talk about it often.
I picture Vadim (or more likely his proteges because he is a very private person) sitting in a corner holding his book like a little 2-year-old saying,
"Mine, mine, mine!"
Over the past weekend, mid-June 2021, the following posts happened in International Transurfing:
This was inevitable
I posted that I saw this coming a mile away. I also posted that Eckhart, Wayne Dyer, and Louise Hay do not restrict others from teaching their information.
And now I am deleted from the group. I was not surprised. And I definitely do not care. Too much victim-mentality in there for my taste.
Vadim shot himself in the foot when he "endorsed" Renee and blacklisted Bootsy Greenwood and Aaron Doughty anyhow. I saw this coming.
Renee had already deemed herself important and placed herself on a pedestal by claiming to be the only person endorsed to teach this on YouTube. 🤢 More articles on importance here!
Cultural variation?
Part of me thinks there is a cultural variation going on with Vadim's words. He already does this in the books - pendulums, balancing forces, the plait, the braid, and other words he uses.
Notice he does say that he is trying to create "movies" as he says in his post. I think that is a cultural difference in words as well.
The guy has the right to do whatever he chooses. His book is brilliant! I mean BRILLIANT!! It appears he wants to declare who can and can not teach the material.
And then I wonder if it is really him that is declaring these things. He is such a private person.
A New Earth
I do include his topics in Stop the Mind Screw but I see them as universal and the information as channeled.
So much of it is like A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. And A New Earth is much easier to understand as Eckhart's first language is English.
And Eckhart is so much more down-to-earth than Vadim. This alone makes the material a lot easier to assimilate. Articles on the book A New Earth are here!
Weak Foundation?
As with any structure that has been built with corruption, it will dissolve or breakthrough into something better or change. It can also have more breakthroughs of scandals but it will eventually absolve.
I saw the "cult-like" atmosphere a few months ago when I posted this blog post. I saw this coming.
Ironically, this is all about importance, and Vadim and Renee both "know" that creating importance around anything will send balancing forces in to take care of things. It is almost like they "know" this but feel it does not apply to them. Very ironic!
Okay, let's see how the drama plays out.