The Reason I Do Not Watch the News

Yesterday, there was a mass shooting at an elementary school in Texas. Within 2 hours of the incident happening, I got a group text message telling me of the horrific situation.

The horrific feelings shot through my veins as I thought about the elementary school students in panic and fear, the parents, and family members as they found out about the situation.

It was absolutely horrible. I knew the damage that this kind of thing could do to my psyche. My first thought was “What can I do about this situation?” And I mean what can I realistically and concretely do.

As a student of thought habits since 1986, I knew that the only thing I could constructively do was to pray. And hold positive thoughts for those involved and those who hear the tragic news as well.

Eddie, my boyfriend, came home from work and immediately turned on the news. I absolutely dislike watching the news. Why? Because I know how the media works. They want to create fear and panic at every opportunity. I know I have to protect my energy from this destructive pendulum. AT ALL COSTS!

Eddie’s daughter is an elementary school teacher. She was the very person to announce this news in our group text only 30 minutes after the situation occurred.

My step-grandson enters elementary school next year.

During the newscast, my mind went to complete fear and horror. The newscaster was telling us that family members had not been notified. That there were dozens of children injured and in hospitals, And that they still did not know the ages of those killed.

It was only natural for me to think of my close family members being put in harm’s way and even picture myself in the situation of the parent who does not know whether my child is alive or dead.

The very sad thing is my subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagined thought. Yours too!! THERE IS POWER THERE!! The news knows this - consciously and even unconsciously!!!

I know this. I told Eddie to turn it off. He was lost in the news. He exclaimed that I was only putting my head in the sand. And that this was history in the making, we needed to know this.

In my reality that is not the case at all. I would know about this “historic” incident whether I wanted to or not. This is the case in all news that I “have to” know.

I am divinely guided and protected. If I need to know I know. ALWAYS.

But let’s go back to something very important to note here. What is the damage that is done when we fall victim to collective thought - aka the news? Also knowns as pendulums in Reality Transurfing.

Dissastisfaction and lack of fulfillment are the pendulum’s favorite dish. -Vadim Zeland

I know and understand this damage that collective thought can do. I protect my energy with all I have.

So I prayed for awareness.

And I got it!

I also prayed for the families that were hurt by this tragic incident that will affect all of us, as all of these mass shootings do.

In light of all of this, I came across this video from my all-time, very favorite teacher, Eckhart Tolle popped up into my feed today. Synchronisitically so!!

Eckhart is just so cute! I love his little chuckles. And the way he leads his students to their own answers. We need more teachers like him!

I created a mind map on this video and here are my comments and insights. You can download the mindmap here!

Every thought is an energy formation

These thoughts arise from the collective

  • We must be careful with what kind of thoughts we absorb from collective

  • Participation in a collective that is full of fear and anxiety will cause fear and anxiety in you!

  • Thoughts and thought patterns from the collective - easily take over. AWARENESS IS KEY!

  • Infectious thoughts - every thought attracts other thoughts and becomes a bundle

  • Without awareness, you become "possessed" by thoughts

  • Obsessive thoughts from the past - can't get rid of it. Like a melody, you can't get rid of for a day or two

Certain assumptions may be ridiculous, and even carry some truth

  • For example, the thought of aliens could be an obsessive thought. Your perception of reality can get colored by those thoughts

  • Assumptions: For example the collective thought that “Every human is a part of oppressors or oppressed”, social communism. There is a fragment of truth.

  • Become obsessed without awareness. One thought overruns reality.

  • Simplify good and bad. Oppressed is good and oppressor is bad creating collective delusional systems.

  • Entire countries relate to the entire thought - impose conceptional identity.


Become alert so your mind is not taken over

  • Certain thoughts can invade your mind and color your view of reality.

  • Irrational thoughts floating around and it is very easy to become absorbed in those thoughts. So irrational it is unbelievable. Eckhart wouldn't give examples - find your own. <- very easy to find!

  • Be very careful and watch your mind so your mind is not taken over by certain thoughts.

  • Everything is colored by the veil of irrational thoughts.

  • Nowadays these things spread very easily and quickly due to technology. It can quickly affect millions of humans.

The only antidote is awareness.

  • So your mind does not become infected by the mental virus.

  • Anything that does not see the totality of the situation.

  • Be very careful of what you consume in the media!!!!!

  • So you do not take on without knowing certain worries of looking at the world.

  • Realize the manipulation taking place - mainstream media.

  • If you watch it you become unaware of how you are being manipulated.

  • Those bringing this "news" are unconscious and they want to bring you into unconsciousness. They are not the evil ones, they just do not know any better!

In conclusion, when we hear bad news like this, what can one truly do? BECOME AWARE! Pray for the collective unconscious because the solution is to wake up!

Who knows what type of solutions we can come up with to “fix” everything in this world when we become aware and wake up.

There are infinite solutions to every problem!

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