Creativity: The ADHD Advantage in Corporate Wellness

As a corporate wellness professional, it's important to recognize and embrace the diverse strengths and challenges that individuals bring to the workplace. ADHD, often misunderstood as just a label, is actually a manifestation of unique brain chemistryโ€”a lack of dopamineโ€”that presents itself in remarkable ways.

For those with ADHD, including prominent figures like Bill Gates and Richard Branson, their brains operate on a different wavelength. Personally, I've seen the intense creativity and boundless energy that comes with ADHD, along with the ability to hyperfocus on tasks for hours on end. However, managing time and focusing on less stimulating tasks can be a struggle. Read more Wellness Wednesday articles here!

Strategies to Help with ADHD

Over the years, I've helped create strategies to harness the power of ADHD while also aligning with typical workplace expectations:

๐Ÿšฟ Cold Showers:

A shock to the system that kickstarts dopamine production, helping me tackle difficult tasks first and making everything else seem more manageable.

โ˜• Moderate Clean Caffeine Consumption:

While it's my vice, I've chosen clean energy drinks as a healthier alternative to other dopamine-stimulating substances.

๐Ÿคธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Regular Exercise:

Mandatory cardio sessions boost dopamine levels and help maintain focus throughout the day.

๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธ Sunshine and Movement:

Walking in the morning sunlight not only improves my mood but also regulates my circadian rhythm, leading to better sleep patterns. And Iโ€™m a big proponent of red light therapy. Learn more about red light therapy here.

๐Ÿ“† Time Management Tools:

Utilizing tools like Motion Calendar helps me stay organized and on track with my schedule and tasks.

๐Ÿ  Brain-Boosting Diet:

Incorporating fatty fish into my diet supports brain health and cognitive function.

๐ŸŽถ Sleep Hygiene:

Listening to 432hz tunes and affirmations before bed promotes deep, restorative sleep, essential for an overworked ADHD brain.

๐Ÿ’ค Consistent Sleep Schedule:

Thanks to ลŒURA, I prioritize a strict 8-hour sleep cycle to ensure optimal rest and recovery.


While ADHD may come with its challenges, it can also responsible for drive, determination, and a unique perspective. Rather than viewing it as a hindrance, letโ€™s switch that and leverage it to your advantage. It's a journey of self-discovery and acceptanceโ€”one that has empowered many to embrace their differences and thrive in both their personal and professional life.

For me, ADHD isn't something to be "dealt" with; it's something to be celebrated and utilized to unlock your full potential. It's a realization that can transform your outlook and approach to life, and why have it any other way. ๐ŸŒŸ #ADHD #Neurodiversity #WellnessJourney

kathie.owen.corporate wellness professional

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We are corporate wellness professionals who help companies achieve top workplace status with world class wellness programs for their employees.

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