Kathie’s Coaching and Consulting LLC
Building Healthy and Happy Teams one heart at a time.

Top Workplace Wellness Newsletter
Boost team engagement, prevent physical and mental health burnout and more resources for your personal and team wellness in our weekly newsletter. Exclusive discounts, new and innovative stories, educational tips, and bonus resources meant to boost your team engagement.

Health Fair Checklist
One of the quickest and best ways to promote corporate wellness is to host a health fair. We’ve done all the hard work for you and created this checklist to help you get there quickly!!

Reality Transurfing
One of my most popular topics and pages is Reality Transurfing.
"Dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment are the pendulums favorite dishes." -Vadim Zeland
Get your free resource guide on how to dance with pendulums and watch that dissatisfaction lack of fulfillment leave!!

The way you start your day can make or break you!
Master your morning by setting a routine that empowers you. It's easy really.
In this guide, I walk you through simple steps to creating a morning routine that you love!
Find more time in your day, find more clarity and focus, and even feel better throughout your entire day.
Stop mind screwing yourself out of your power!

A mental diet can and will drastically change your life!
Learn more with this free resource guide on mental diets.
Often times our thought habits can hold us back. But it can be difficult to know which thoughts are doing what.
We think in excess of 90,000 thoughts a day. But what is the quality of those thoughts? Are you even aware?
We ALL think negative thoughts. It's human nature.
Dwelling on those negative thoughts is what can hurt you.
On a mental diet, we learn how to stop dwelling on those thoughts.

Give some depth to your dreams and goals!
Studies have proven that those who write their goals and dreams out insight are more likely to achieve them.
Download this definite chief aim template to help with this very thing. Start giving your goals and dreams purpose.

Want more energy? Want to feel better now?
Download this resource now to find out what you can do starting today to feel better and have more energy!
Learn how to get started in just 9 minutes today!
And if you've hit a plateau in your fitness, Kathie explains that this one thing may be the reason why.
Get your free guide now. From Kathie Owen Certified Fitness Trainer since 2002.

Build Strong Lungs Today!
Strong lungs will help you combat viruses that attack the lungs but also give you more energy in the day.
Why? Because oxygen is moving through your body better. Learn more now in this very popular webinar and guide that Kathie presented.
Get healthy and feel better starting now! No matter your age or fitness level!
Presented by the Silver Wellness Academy.