
Kathie’s Blog

Corporate Wellness | Holisitic Wellness | Burnout Coach

-Kathie Owen

Kathie’s Coaching and Consulting Blog Posts

Embracing Laughter to Transcend Life's Pendulums – Transurfing on Tuesday
Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Embracing Laughter to Transcend Life's Pendulums – Transurfing on Tuesday

Discover the power of laughter in overcoming life's pendulums with 'Transurfing on Tuesday.' Learn to identify and handle energy-draining thought structures in Reality Transurfing. This insightful blog post delves into managing emotional reactions and conserving energy, offering a fresh perspective inspired by Reality Transurfing principles and Wayne Dyer's wisdom

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Harnessing the Power of Reality Transurfing: Transform Your Life Today
Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Reality Transurfing, Mindset Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Harnessing the Power of Reality Transurfing: Transform Your Life Today

Are you tired of feeling like life is happening to you, rather than you being in control of your destiny? It's time to discover the power of Reality Transurfing and take charge of your life today. With its roots in quantum physics and metaphysics, Reality Transurfing offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality and how we can navigate it to manifest our desires. Learn more in this article written by Kathie Owen.

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Navigating Your Reality: Lessons from Transurfing in 78 Days
Reality Transurfing Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Reality Transurfing Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Navigating Your Reality: Lessons from Transurfing in 78 Days

Unlock the secrets of shaping your reality with our latest article, 'Navigating Your Reality: Lessons from Transurfing in 78 Days'. Discover how selective focus can transform your life, learn practical steps to reduce negativity, and master the art of positive attention. Dive into a Transurfing approach to create a joy-filled personal reality. Read now and reshape your world

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Reshape Your Reality: 5 Powerful Techniques for a Transformative Life
Reality Transurfing, Mindset, Habits Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Reality Transurfing, Mindset, Habits Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Reshape Your Reality: 5 Powerful Techniques for a Transformative Life

Are you ready to take control of your life and embark on a journey of profound transformation? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of reality creation and personal growth. Discover how morning visualization can set the tone for your day, and why positive affirmations are the key to shaping your beliefs and actions. We'll show you how to act as if you've already achieved your goals and the incredible impact of a gratitude practice on your overall well-being. Plus, explore the transformative power of mindful meditation, a practice that can provide clarity and strength in shaping your reality.

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Why There is Still Drama Around Reality Transurfing…
Reality Transurfing Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Reality Transurfing Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Why There is Still Drama Around Reality Transurfing…

Explore the enigmatic world of Reality Transurfing in this insightful blog post. Uncover the drama surrounding Vadim Zeland's book, its transformative principles, and its impact on personal growth. Discover how reducing importance and harnessing potential can reshape your reality.

Delve into the controversy that has limited the book's reach and learn why it's essential to balance certification with accessibility. Join us on a journey to understand the power of thought and its role in shaping our lives

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Outwitting the Devil of Distraction: The Power of Controlling Your Mind
Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie, Reality Transurfing Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie, Reality Transurfing Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Outwitting the Devil of Distraction: The Power of Controlling Your Mind

This blog post explores controlling mental drift using ideas from Napoleon Hill's "Outwitting the Devil." It covers the importance of a mental diet, Reality Transurfing concepts like 'pendulums', and the risks of toxic positivity better known as forced positivity. The post offers five strategies to manage mental drift.

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Why Consistent Action is Key!
Mindset, Habits, Reality Transurfing, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Mindset, Habits, Reality Transurfing, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Why Consistent Action is Key!

Explore the transformative journey of consistent action with Kathie Owen's 30-day challenge. Discover how embracing consistent action can shatter procrastination, ignite motivation, and lead you to prosperity. Join our community and download the calendar to turn your dreams into reality, no matter the month or year.

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