Online Marketing Made Easy or Sl-easy?
Amy Porterfield Review Articles
Popular Amy Porterfield Review Articles Here!
This is an ongoing blog post reviewing Amy Porterfield’s $37 Course “Subscribed’. Kathie is researching Amy’s tactics and teachings to see if they have changed. You will find an honest, not affiliated review here.
Discover the insightful blog post by Kathie Owen, where she candidly reflects on ethics and influence in digital marketing. Focused on Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy, Kathie discusses the fine line between genuine guidance and manipulation in online coaching. This must-read offers a unique perspective on ethical practices in digital courses.
Avoid common coaching pitfalls: Overspending on tools, losing focus, neglecting personal growth & health, and misusing automation can derail success. Learn from my journey as a fitness trainer & corporate wellness director to efficiently run a successful coaching business.
This article explores the five core principles of ethical marketing: transparency, authenticity, respect, honest advertising, and responsibility. Kathie's experiences with Amy Porterfield underscore the importance of trust, lasting connections, and respecting audience boundaries. Discover how these principles can transform your coaching and entrepreneurial approach, fostering authentic connections and eschewing get-rich-quick schemes. Explore Kathie's ethical coaching philosophy and join her newsletter for a community dedicated to responsible business practices. Together, we can reshape the coaching and entrepreneurship landscape with ethics at its core.
A productive entrepreneur mindset requires one that is focused on achieving goals, being efficient with time and resources, and continuously learning and improving. Today I am going to give you 8 clear steps on developing a productive entrepreneur mindset that can help you as a team member, coach, solopreneur, or just someone who wants to get more done in their day-to-day life.
Market from a place of power not force like this! One of my biggest pet peeves as a coach is being marketed to, forcefully. Today I am going to explain what I mean by this. I am going to give you examples of what to do and what not to do. As well as a clear and obvious example of how this was done to me. Let’s market with power, my friend!!
The Amy Porterfield review articles on this site are very popular. So here’s an update and more content. Going into 2023 we discuss how Amy is still the queen of online marketing made sleazy. And in an unregulated market that is easy for her to do. She is lining her pocketbook with our money and is not returning the dollars in service. Unless of course, you are one of her favorite customers that I call “online course junkies”, who take the course and never use the material. Or maybe you do use the material and really create awesome success. Great for you. But do you also market like Amy? If so you might want to read this.
Connecting the dots looking backward. Kathie’s online business journey in a story. See how and why Kathie Owen got to where she is today. Helping others one heart at a time despite being robbed from the online marketing world of business coaches and platforms.
Amy Porterfield was a guest coach in the Social Curator community today. She was coaching us on email list-building tips. I tried to like her, I promise. But I found so many flaws that I just had to share here so hopefully, my fellow curators don’t fall for her bro-marketing crap!
Amy Porterfield honest review because I am not affiliated. Let’s discuss her latest $37 webinar and the questions that go along with it. Specifically why DCA and LBS need to steer clear and how spammy her marketing has become!
Where has kathieowen.com been? Why I switched from Kajabi to Squarespace and exactly what it took to do so!!
Here is an honest opinion on DCA with Amy Porterfield. Not affiliated and I apologize if I recommended DCA to you. Here are the reasons why I retract that statement and what to do instead. It'll save you a ton of money.
Live coaching call with Kathie written in a blog post. How I faced challenges and what processes brought light in my darkness. I unscrewed my mind! Reality Transurfing, Neville Goddard, Joseph Rodrigues, and more!